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On the 4th of March, Mrs Baker accompanied by three amazing members of staff, took 51 year 7 students to Canterbury Cathedral. The trip was a joint History and RE trip looking at the significance of the Cathedral for historians and pilgrims alike. We had a fully guided tour, with some students even going up the pilgrims steps on their knees!
The staff at the Cathedral and the staff on the trip were impressed with the politeness, curiosity and resilience of all students; it was quite cold even with our coats on! The Cathedral staff even took time to write the us at the school after the visit!
“We had the pleasure of your year 7 pupils visiting is this week. I do hope that they enjoyed their visit as much as all the guides who took them on their tours certainly did, they told us how good they were, very polite and attentive, with great questioning. They all said how much they enjoyed interacting with them”
Thank you to everyone who assisted with this trip!
Mrs Baker
12 February 2025
10 February 2025