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Message from Miss Kelvie - Head Teacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
COVID 19 and Term 2
I really hope you are enjoying your half term and your children have managed to rest and recharge.
As infection rates continue to fluctuate nationally and across the county, I am emailing to set out clear expectations designed to continue to keep our school community safe.
We are all committed to the priority for Aylesford school to continue safely delivering face to face high quality education to all pupils. I believe that the following measures will mean that we will be able to do this throughout term 2.
Expectations for our school community regarding Covid 19 are as follows:
Regular Testing using lateral flow tests
All staff and students must test twice a week (Wednesday’s and Saturday’s). All results must be recorded on the NHS website. If any student tests positive on a lateral flow test you must notify Miss Kelvie immediately by phone or email Students who test positive on a lateral flow test must also book a PCR test. Only the person who has tested positive must isolate.
Face Coverings
All staff and students will be expected to wear face coverings in communal areas.
Staff will model this behaviour around the school and encourage students to do the same. It is personal choice whether students wear face coverings during lessons.
Handwashing and Sanitising
All staff and students must hand wash or sanitise at least once every hour.
All desks and surfaces to be wiped over with antibacterial wipes at the end of every lesson
Rooms must be well ventilated
Windows and doors will be open where possible.
One Way System
All students are to follow the one way system for entrance and exits to buildings. We will continue to use the fire exits in all buildings as the exits.
Meetings with parents and other stakeholders will take place on line as far as possible.
Events that have a direct impact on students learning will still take place (school trips and visiting speakers) but preferably events/meetings to take place online. All meetings will be by appointment only - key staff emails are on our website.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back on Monday. Please ensure that you have explained the above expectations to your child and that they come to school on time, in full school uniform, ready to learn and hopefully smiling.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Kelvie
12 February 2025
10 February 2025