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As you will know Food and Cookery is a very popular and over subscribed subject at Aylesford School. In July Mr Kenmure and Mrs Land discussed how to expand Food and Cookery in the school, Mr Kenmure applied to the Savoy Educational Trust to bid for some money to help with expansion.
The bid required a significant amount of hardwork on behalf or Mr Kenmure and he needed to prove to Savoy Educational Trust that any money awarded from the bid would have a direct impact on the progress, personal development and character of our students at Aylesford School. The SET were extremely impressed with the application, as well as the progress the school and food and cookery department had made over the last 2 years.
As a result the school was awarded the maximum grant of £30,000 to help develop the food and cookery department further within the school. The full funding has now been received and plans are now being put into place to look into expanding the kitchen area, as well as develop further community aspects
We are now asking for some KS4/5 students to help as a working party in order to turn that amazing opportunity into a reality. If students are interested in being part of this team then they will need to see Mr Kenmure for further details.
Our thanks go to The Savoy Educational Trust for this life changing contribution to the students of Aylesford School
12 February 2025
10 February 2025