English Department - An Inspector Calls Revision

6 March 2020

English Department - An Inspector Calls Revision

For parents, carers and students in years 10 and 11:

All students will be asked to write an essay on An Inspector Calls for GCSE literature.

In order to do this they need to know the following:
The plot and characters
Context about society and Priestley
Key quotations
Methods used by the writer
Terminology - such as adjective, metaphor, dramatic irony

There is a lot to learn - and this is only one of 3 books and 15 poems they need to study

In order to get started there is a revision booklet and exam questions below that students can download and use to revise.

An Inspector Calls - Revision.docx

An Inspector Calls - Exam Questions.pdf

We hope this helps their independent study. We also encourage students to use Seneca, BBC bitesize and sparknotes websites to help their revision or speak to their teacher for more resources and exam questions