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Yesterday saw our Best of British Dementia Summer Cafe. We had over 50 people from our local community join us for this special event, it was a tremendous success and all students were a credit to the school with their excellent character, confidence and enthusiasm they showed in performing songs, talking to our guests and serving teas coffees and a light lunch.
Thanks must go to Lidl for their contribution to the food supplies and to Mr Andrew Kennedy for his very kind donation towards funds for the day. Further thanks to our friends the 2 G’s who treated us to a fantastic performance of a selection of songs from the last 60 years. These brought back memories for many of our guests who often remembered the lyrics word for word despite living with dementia. Please see a selection of photos from the day and thanks to Mrs White who put together a mini video of the day too:
It was a pleasure for Aylesford to host such a positive community event and the day would not have happened without the help of staff and students who made the day so successful. Special thanks must go to our staff members Ms Day and Mrs Gryntus, who ensured the hall was set up and tables were decorated so well with themed placemats. Thanks also to Mr Edwards and Ms Layberry who ensured our catering students gave everybody a fantastic lunch and to Mrs Duff who provided her skill and expertise in leading the floristry club.
A final thank you must go to Mr Neeve for initiating and organising the event.
The next Dementia Cafe will be at Christmas- watch this space for further information about this and other events in future.
12 February 2025
10 February 2025