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Aylesford Annual Charity Fundraising Walk – Friday 12th July 2019
As part of the ‘Character Week’, Students and Staff will be joining together for a walk. The Walk is around 7.5 miles long and will be in a different part of the local area to last year. This year the walk will head out of the school into Barming woods, before taking on a big loop and coming back on ourselves through the East Malling research centre and then through Ditton before returning back to school
It is a fantastic opportunity for students to demonstrate compassion (by supporting their fellow walkers, raising money for charity and caring for our local area) and self-discipline (by keeping going all the way)!!
Students will register as normal with their mentor and will set off in a staggered start with the rest of their year group.
If your child is entitled to a Free School Meal, this will be provided for them on the day of the walk. Students are advised to bring appropriate walking shoes or trainers (no flip-flops or sandals), a hat, sun cream or waterproofs (depending on weather conditions) and a drinking bottle.
There will be drink stations at points along the course. This will be a non-uniform day and students should wear comfortable clothes appropriate for walking – shoulders must be covered. There will also be an ice cream van towards the end of the walk so we would encourage students to bring some cash to enjoy a well-earned refreshment before returning to school.
As a charity fundraising event, students are choosing their charity in year groups and we are asking that each student bring in £2.00 for this charity on the day. If they wish to be sponsored it would be fantastic and another great show of compassion to be able to donate more money to their chosen charity. We would ask that this donation is made using parent pay. We will be splitting any money raised between the Heart of Kent Hospice and the School student voice team.
Thank you in advance for your support with this challenging and fun activity – the students will be proud of their achievement and have a chance to see some of the local area with their friends. Please complete the permission slip ONLINE via the following link as soon as possible which also includes agreement that you have discussed the code of conduct with your child before the walk. The code of conduct is included on the reverse of this letter.
Here is the link to complete the permission form:
Please note that any students who are not fit to participate will be required to attend school as normal, in full school uniform.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs K James
Deputy Head Teacher and Walk Leader
12 February 2025
10 February 2025