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Today saw the return of our Dementia Cafe, this time with a Christmas theme and it was a tremendous success!
Firstly, all students showed excellent confidence, character and enthusiasm in performing songs, such as a selection from Bugsy Malone. Thanks must to Mr Hawkes, Mrs Davies and Mr Thompson for preparing the students so well.
Our guests were served a selection of sandwiches, Christmas cakes and mince pies and were then treated to a Christmas sing-a-long, led by Mr Thompson and the Aylesford Community Singers. Everyone enjoyed joining in with classics such as Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Rockin around the Christmas Tree.
It was a pleasure for Aylesford to host such a positive community event, and the day would not have happened without the help of staff and students who made the day so successful.
Special thanks must go to Ms Day and Mrs Gryntus, who ensured the hall and tables were decorated so well with Christmas decorations and themed placemats.
Thanks also to Mr Edwards and Ms Layberry who ensured our catering students gave everybody a fantastic Christmas themed lunch and to Mrs Duff who provided her skill and expertise in leading the floristry club in making Christmas candle decorations.
A final thank you must go to Mr Neeve for leading and organising the event.
Please don’t forget raffle tickets are still on sale and can be bought from the Christmas Raffle page or from the school office - all proceeds go towards the running of future Dementia cafes.
The next Dementia Cafe will be at Easter - watch this space for further information about this and other events in future.