Trips and Visits

Aylesford School offers a plethora of educational trips both day and residential to a variety of locations across the country and abroad. Our ethos is that all students should have the opportunity to go on trips throughout their school life to enable them to develop essential skills and knowledge that they will take into adulthood. The cost of trips can vary depending on location/activity but can range from £25 to £500. Installment payment options are available for the more costly trips. 

Students are not expected to go on every trip on offer if its not compulsory, but we would like all students to go on at least one of; National, International, Residential, Local, Theatre, Art Gallery, Places of worship, Museums, Careers/University and Charitable trips throughout their school life.

Year 11 29-Sep-2024 Y11 AQA Geography Field work trip to Whitstable
Year 8 25-Sep-2024 Y8-11 ASC Girls Alpaca Experience Trek
Year 11 27-Sep-2024 Y11 Hospitality & Catering Trip to the Langham Hotel & Borough Market
Sixth Form 02-Oct-2024 6th Form trip to London
Year 11 9-Oct-2024 Y11 and inclusion trip to Mid Kent college 15 students
Year 11 10-Oct-2024 Y11 Whitechapel Tour
Year 7 15-Oct-2024 Y7 Gurdwara Trip
Year 7 17-Oct-2024 Residential
Y7 Camping Trip (1 night)
Y10 & Y11 18-Oct-2024 KS4 Fright Night at Thorpe Park
Y10,11&13 11-Nov-2024 Y10,11&13 Trip to National Gallery & Tate Modern
Sixth Form 14-Nov-2024 Sixth Form Trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau
Year 11 15-Nov-2024 Y11 Buddhist Temple Wimbledon
Year 11 16-Nov-2024 Y11 A Christmas Carol Theatre Trip
Year 7 18-Nov-2024
Trips to National Gallery
Year 8 26-Nov-2024 Y8 Hampton Court Place
All 03-Dec-2024 Christmas Carol Concert, St Peter & St Paul Church, Aylesford
Year 8 06-Dec-2024 Y8 Geography/Science trip to Planetarium, Greenwich
Year 11 10-Dec-2024 Y11 Trip to Mid- Kent College 10am-11:30am
Sixth Form 16-Dec-2024 Sixth Form Christmas Bluewater Shopping
Year 7 17-Dec-2024 Y7 Visit to Lille 6:00am-8:00pm
Year 11 10-Jan-2025
Y11 Theatre Visits: Stranger Things
Year 10
Year 11
Y10/11 Visits to Poetry Live at the Victoria Apollo, London
Year 10
Year 11
06-Feb-2025 Year 10/11 Core RE
Year 10 11-Feb-2025 Y10 Trip to Brompton Barracks ( max 15 students)
Sixth Form 13-Feb-2025 6th Form Trip to Ninja Warrior
All 15-Feb-2025 to 18-Feb-2025 Residential
Italy trip
Year 11 24-Feb-2025 Science Live at the Apollo Theatre, London
Y10 & Y11 Film Studies 12-Mar-2025 KS4 BFI Revision Study Day
Year 10 19-Mar-2025 Y10 to CCCU