Home School Agreement

At Aylesford School, our aim is to prepare our students for life beyond, so that they are well qualified, well rounded citizens with the confidence to face the many challenges that life presents.

We have a strong ethos based on high personal and academic expectations that underpin everything we do. We want our students to be confident and ambitious as well as being compassionate and tolerant.

Exam success will get you the interview but it won’t get you the job. As such we expect our students to do as well as they can at school and to take full advantage of the many academic and extra-curricular activities that are presented to them.

Our vision and values are demonstrated by our students every day, where their tenacity and determination are a constant source of inspiration.

The School

We will:

  • contact parents/carers if there is a problem with attendance, punctuality or equipment;
  • let parents know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s work or behaviour;
  • send home regular assessments and annual report of achievement;
  • set, mark and monitor students’ work;
  • arrange parents’ evenings during which progress will be discussed;
  • keep parents/carers informed about School activities through regular letters home, and notices about special events.

The Students

I will:

  • be determined to achieve the very best I can;
  • follow the school rules: ‘Be ready, be respectful and be safe’;
  • aim to have attendance of 100%;
  • arrive on time every day;
  • participate fully in school life.

The Parents/Carers

I/We will:

  • see that my child goes to school every day, on time and properly equipped;
  • support the school’s behaviour policy of ‘Be ready, be respectful, be safe’;
  • let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour;
  • support my child in homework and other opportunities for home learning;
  • attend parents’ evening and discussion about my child’s progress;
  • get to know about my child’s life at the school.