Easter Dementia Cafe 2025

5 March 2025

Easter Dementia Cafe 2025

Aylesford School’s Easter Dementia Cafe is fast approaching. Join us on 26th March 2025 from 11.30am to 13.30pm for a morning of Easter activities.
For further information and to book your place please contact philip.neeve@aylesford.kent.sch.uk or call 01622 717341.

Canterbury Christchurch University deliver an excellent workshop to Year 9 students

5 March 2025

Canterbury Christchurch University deliver an excellent workshop to Year 9 students IMG_9222.jpg for website and fb IMG_9224.jpg for website and fb

Canterbury Christ Church University visited Aylesford School today and delivered an excellent workshop with two classes of our Year 9 students. The workshop centred around the question ‘What makes us human?’ and it explored AI and Philosophical Dilemmas about the role of robots within human society. Our students showed a lot of curiosity and even had the opportunity to make their own little ‘Bristlebots’ out of a toothbrush, a battery and a motor!

Year 7 Battle of Hastings Project

3 March 2025

Year 7 Battle of Hastings Project

Year 7 History have been diving into the Battle of Hastings, both in class and through their homework. For their creative project, students have shown incredible motivation and talent, producing some amazing work, using a variety of materials and techniques. It’s clear that they’ve really brought the Battle and the bravery of the soldiers to life! 💥⚔️

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Sixth Form Trip to Ninja Warrior

24 February 2025

Sixth Form Trip to Ninja Warrior

Our Sixth Form were treated to a trip to Ninja Warrior to end the term. Students had the opportunity to scale “the wall”, tackle the obstacle course and race the inflatable assault course. This trip was particularly good for team building and character development for students and staff, with everyone showing resilience, courage and confidence in having a go at all of the activities on offer. Thanks go to all of our Sixth Formers who went on the trip, Ms Rookard for driving the minibus and Mr Neeve and Mrs Dighton for organising.

Sixth Form News !

12 February 2025

Sixth Form News !

A Message from Mrs Dighton & The Sixth Form Team:
We have carried out over 90 interviews of both Internal and External students who have applied to join Aylesford Sixth Form, many of whom have received conditional placement offers.
We just wanted to congratulate all of you for showing such fantastic character and maturity during these interviews- they have been a pleasure to carry out. If you are still undecided about applying to Aylesford Sixth Form- it is not too late.
We are still accepting applications and we would be happy to interview you- please get your applications in via Kent Choices as soon as you can. Good Luck to all of our year 11’s in your up and coming PPE’s 😊

Martin Jones CBE visits year 13 criminology students

10 February 2025

Martin Jones CBE visits year 13 criminology students

Year 13 Criminology students were lucky enough to meet Martin Jones CBE who is HM Chief Inspector of Probation. Mr Jones discussed with students the work of the Prison system, probation service and the links between the different agencies involved in the Criminal Justice System and its overall effectiveness. Students showed respect and curiosity in asking questions about topics related to the parole board and what happens to people reaching the end of their sentences prior to any release into the community. Students were also able to take the opportunity to ask career related questions and it was a perfect chance to hear of the best routes into and opportunities for working within the Civil Service and/or Criminal Justice System. Special thanks go to Mr Neeve and Miss James for organising.

Year 11 and Year 13 PPE timetable

9 February 2025

Year 11 and Year 13 PPE timetable

Year 11 and Year 13 PPE timetable

We would like to inform you that Year 11 and Year 13 students will be undertaking their Pre-Public Examinations (PPE) over the next few weeks. These critical assessments will play a significant role in gauging students’ current understanding and readiness for their upcoming summer examinations.

It is imperative that all students arrive at school in full uniform, equipped with the necessary materials for their exams, including pens, pencils, rulers, and calculators. We urge them to approach these examinations with a dedicated mindset and to do their absolute best.

The grades achieved in these PPEs will provide a true reflection of each student’s current working grade. This invaluable feedback will enable our teaching staff to identify clear areas for development and support tailored improvement strategies.

We appreciate your cooperation and continued support in ensuring that your child is prepared and ready to excel.

Download File: Year_11_and_Year_13_PPE_Timetable_1

AEN Celebrate & Reward Students

6 February 2025

AEN Celebrate & Reward Students

The AEN department took 14 selected students on a trip to Hollywood Bowl in Maidstone to celebrate and reward their excellent behaviour and character. Everyone had an excellent time bowling and enjoyed some tasty food in the bowling alley, followed by a short time in the arcade to end the trip. Well done to all our Y7 students who were selected. Keep up your hard work! Special thanks for Mr Reckless for fundraising and arranging this trip.

Year 13 Visit HMP Elmley!

4 February 2025

Year 13 Visit HMP Elmley!

Saturday 1st February year 13 had the rare opportunity to visit HMP Elmley on the Isle of Sheppey. This was a fantastic chance to visit a working Category B prison and one which holds people who have committed all types of offences, including the most serious of crimes. Students were expertly guided through main reception and where all prisoners are processed by Mr Haynes and Ms Newsham. Students heard about the importance of sniffer dogs and technology that is used in the prison to get an understanding of the problems with drugs, knives and guns being bought into the gaol. Students also had the opportunity to see inside a prison cell, try on personal protective equipment used with the most violent inmates and also see around other important areas of the prison that focuses on rehabilitation of offenders such as the gym, library and the Chapel.

Our students were very glad to be let out by the end of the visit and all enjoyed a McDonald’s tea, making the most of their freedom.

All students showed tremendous courage, respect and resilience when touring the gaol. Special thanks to Mr Haynes and Ms Newsham as well as Mr Blair and Mr Neeve for accompanying our students and organising such an educational trip.

Food Tech Receive Free Mussels

23 January 2025

Food Tech Receive Free Mussels

We were so fortunate to be one of the 200 schools selected to receive 8kg of fresh, rope-grown mussels, free for our students to prepare and cook, thanks to the amazing Fish Heroes Programme! 🦪🌊 This experience has been invaluable, especially for those who had never tried mussels before – many likely wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for this opportunity. Now students know how to de-beard, clean, and cook them in a delicious tomato & garlic sauce! 🍅🧄

A huge thank you to Offshore Shellfish for their incredible generosity and to the Food Teachers Centre FISH Hero Programme for organizing it all! 🙌

Today, Mr Edwards worked with our Year 10 & 11 hospitality and catering students to create a small selection of mussel dishes. Many students were trying mussels for the first time, and it was fantastic to see them so curious and excited to try something new! 😋

RE trip to Wat Buddhapadia Temple, Wimbledon

23 January 2025

RE trip to Wat Buddhapadia Temple, Wimbledon

The Religious Studies GCSE class recently visited Wat Buddhapadia Temple in Wimbledon. The focus of the trip was to develop an understanding of Buddhist practices. Students enjoyed practicing meditation and speaking with a Buddhist Monk.

Students were asked lots of questions about Buddhism which they answered with confidence; our hosts even congratulated the students on their knowledge.

A great trip was had by all.

Join our Local Governing Body and help make a difference!

15 January 2025

Join our Local Governing Body and help make a difference!

Do you have the drive and enthusiasm to help deliver Aylesford School’s vision to build courage, confidence and character in an inclusive and supportive environment?

Could you commit to a key role in supporting a passionate and caring group of professionals guiding young people towards independence as they develop strong character strengths, reach their academic potential and discover where they excel?

Do you have the confidence to play a role in the school’s journey to Outstanding?


Apply here

If you’re interested, please email the Chair of Governors Linda.blumsum@aylesford.kent.sch.uk or the Clerk to the Governors Lesley.hardwick@aylesford.kent.sch.uk for more information, or leave a message with the school office and one of us will contact you.

Congratulations to our EFA stars!

14 January 2025

Congratulations to our EFA stars!

Aylesford School teachers are currently involved in a 2-year CPD course, called the Embedding Formative Assessment Programme, which develops and embeds formative assessment in lessons. One of our key focuses for developing teaching and learning is making sure we are checking students understanding and adapting our lessons to support this.

There are four groups of teaching staff, called TLC’s - Teacher Learning Communities, who take part in EFA CPD sessions throughout the year. These are lead by our wonderful TLC leaders - Mr Haydon-Caton, Mr Mushekwa, Mr Baker, Mrs Baker, Mr Heather, Mr Herrod, Mr Nichols and Mrs Lawton.

These TLC leaders run the CPD sessions and make sure staff are all focused on developing their formative practice in lessons and they play such an important role in supporting the development of teaching and learning.

We asked the TLC leaders to nominate 2 members from each group who have shown great commitment to participating in the EFA course, to be nominated as EFA stars for Term 1 and Term 2.The TLC leaders did struggle as they said lots of staff had shown great engagement but the following have stood out these past two terms.

Term 1 and 2 EFA stars are:

Group 1 - Mrs Johnston and Mr Martindale

Group 2 - Mr Weare and Miss Watson

Group 3 - Mrs Nixon and Mr Aka

Group 4 - Mrs Duff and Mr Green
We thank you all so much for engaging in this programme of teaching and learning development. We know this will have such a positive impact on our student’s progress!

We look forward to see who the next EFA stars will be for Terms 3 and 4!

Christmas Dinner 2024

19 December 2024

Christmas Dinner 2024

Today we held our annual Christmas Dinner for over 530 students. Students enjoyed a main meal of either Roast Turkey, Gammon, Beef or Quorn with roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, stuffing, carrots, peas and gravy, followed by ice cream. Thank you to Mel and the Chartwells catering team for preparing such a wonderful spread.

Special thanks to all of our staff who helped serve, supervise, organise and clean up after the event. Without a collective school wide effort this event wouldn’t have been as successful as it was so THANK YOU ALL! 

Christmas Raffle Winners !

19 December 2024

Christmas Raffle Winners !

We are delighted to announce the winners of our Christmas Raffle 2024!

Congratulations to all our winners and a big THANK YOU to everyone who bought tickets. Your contributions helped us raise £834 which will go towards our future Dementia Cafe events.

Parent Mrs Stevens and two of our Dementia Cafe guests, Lesley and Laura were the lucky winners of three beautiful hampers full of goodies. Student Isaac was the lucky winner of our student hamper.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Lille Trip 2024

19 December 2024

Lille Trip 2024

Our Year 7 had a great time on their trip to Lille! Students were an absolute joy to be with, showing fantastic confidence as they navigated the Christmas market, using their French skills to order food and ask questions to stallholders.

Curiosity and self-discipline

Their curiosity and self-discipline shone through during our visit to the Planetarium, where they actively engaged again asking and answering questions throughout the show.

We are all really proud of our students!

Joyeux Noël to all!

Character Awards 2024

12 December 2024

Character Awards 2024

This week we have had the pleasure of recognising the hard work of some of our Year 7, 8 and 9 students who were nominated by their teachers to receive Character Awards at our Christmas Awards Ceremony.

A big well done to all our Winners!

Year 8 Girls Football Success

9 December 2024

Year 8 Girls Football Success

Following the year 7s success two weeks ago, our year 8s took a while to ‘warm up’ but they just got better and better with each game.
The year 8s even went on to beat the Invicta B team and were the only team to score against the Invicta A team!
All our students represented the school brilliantly and showed such motivation, especially as there were only a few minutes between each game. Goals came from Imogen, Eva and Madison. Sophia was superb in goal…the next Mary Earps?!?

• Sophia
• Eva
• Madison
• Dolly
• Evie
• Imogen
• Olly
• Hunnie
• Mabintu
• Cerise


Tristan Osborne MP visits Aylesford School

9 December 2024

Tristan Osborne MP visits Aylesford School

Friday 6th December - The A team and Character Ambassador students were lucky enough to meet with Tristan Osborne MP for Chatham and Aylesford. 

This was a fantastic opportunity for our students and the school to discuss pressing matters with our local MP. Students showed tremendous respect, integrity and open mindedness when discussing national, local and school issues.

There was a lot of discussion about feeling safe in the local community, concerns about traffic on Teapot Lane and the use of mobile phones in the classroom. Students also raised the dangers of vaping as a concern, to which Mr Osborne explained about the positive changes and restrictions the Government are planning to make in the near future.

We are very grateful to Mr Osborne for his time.

Aylesford School Dementia Cafe 2024

5 December 2024

Aylesford School Dementia Cafe 2024

Today saw the return of our Dementia Cafe, this time with a Christmas theme and it was a tremendous success!

Firstly, all students showed excellent confidence, character and enthusiasm in performing songs, such as a selection from Bugsy Malone. Thanks must to Mr Hawkes, Mrs Davies and Mr Thompson for preparing the students so well.

Our guests were served a selection of sandwiches, Christmas cakes and mince pies and were then treated to a Christmas sing-a-long, led by Mr Thompson and the Aylesford Community Singers. Everyone enjoyed joining in with classics such as Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Rockin around the Christmas Tree. 

It was a pleasure for Aylesford to host such a positive community event, and the day would not have happened without the help of staff and students who made the day so successful.

Special thanks must go to Ms Day and Mrs Gryntus, who ensured the hall and tables were decorated so well with Christmas decorations and themed placemats. 

Thanks also to Mr Edwards and Ms Layberry who ensured our catering students gave everybody a fantastic Christmas themed lunch and to Mrs Duff who provided her skill and expertise in leading the floristry club in making Christmas candle decorations.

A final thank you must go to Mr Neeve for leading and organising the event.

Please don’t forget raffle tickets are still on sale and can be bought from the Christmas Raffle page or from the school office - all proceeds go towards the running of future Dementia cafes.

The next Dementia Cafe will be at Easter - watch this space for further information about this and other events in future.

Aylesford School Christmas Carol Concert 2024

4 December 2024

Aylesford School Christmas Carol Concert 2024

What an incredible evening at the Aylesford School Christmas Carol Service 2024!

It was a wonderful community event filled with festive cheer and holiday spirit. Many of our students gave fantastic performances for the very first time, doing so with such confidence and enthusiasm, really showcasing their hard work and dedication.

A huge THANK YOU to all the staff who supported and guided our students, making this event such a success. Your hard work behind the scenes made all the difference.

Wishing everyone a joyful holiday season ahead!

Year 7 Girls Football Team - First Tournament

2 December 2024

Year 7 Girls Football Team - First Tournament

Last week the squad of 12 attended their first football tournament ...in fact their first game !

For many this was the first time they had represented the school in a sport. The team looked brilliant in the new kit and they represented the school brilliantly.

The team had five games and it was a tough start, as we had to face Invicta Grammar; unfortunately we conceded three goals. The second game we only lost by one goal…clear progress! After two defeats we had to change things up and for the best…we went on to win 3-0, 1-0, and 3-0!! The team were absolutely buzzing.
Resilience and confidence paid off and we finished further up the table.

It’s not the best photo, but it was rather cold last Thursday and they wanted to get back to the bus!

Back row: Ruby, Amelia, Harper, Shayla, Isabelle, Amber, Sophie
Front row: Daisy, Elsa, Jaime-Lee, Lily and Sophie


Christmas Raffle 2024 - Buy your tickets now!

27 November 2024

Christmas Raffle 2024 - Buy your tickets now!

The Aylesford School Christmas Raffle 2024 is now live!

  • We have 4 hamper prizes 3 for adults and 1 for students.
  • Tickets can be purchased from the school office or Parent Pay
  • £1 a ticket or £5 a strip.
  • All proceeds will go toward funding our future Dementia Cafés.
  • Draw takes place on 18th December!

Don’t delay get your tickets today - Good Luck!

Year 8 visit Hampton Court Palace

26 November 2024

Year 8 visit Hampton Court Palace

Year 8 have been exploring the grounds of Hampton Court Palace, learning information taught across both history and geography at the school.

From Henry VIII and his wives to the locational importance of the buildings.

Students have shown great curiosity and respect whilst travelling through history!

Police and crime commissioners workshop - Update

26 November 2024

Police and crime commissioners workshop - Update

The influence of social media and the internet

Character Ambassadors and the A Team were lucky enough to take part in a workshop with the Police and Crime Commissioners looking at the influence of social media and the internet. All were tasked with making a podcast related to this topic and were able to record and present their ideas.

They showed great confidence, motivation and enthusiasm to produce these and the best examples will be entered into a national competition.

We look forward to sharing the results in due course.

Christmas Carol Concert 2024

19 November 2024

Christmas Carol Concert 2024

Join us for a wonderful evening of music and readings to usher in the Christmas season.

St Peter and St Paul’s Church Aylesford
7:30PM December

There will be a retiring collection for the Grace Tutt Fundraiser.

Aylesford School marks Remembrance Day with reflection and respect

11 November 2024

Aylesford School marks Remembrance Day with reflection and respect

Today, Aylesford School took time to honour and remember those who have served and sacrificed for our country. We held a special assembly for all students, featuring a powerful presentation from the Royal British Legion, followed by a moving two-minute silence at 11.00am

In addition, a small group of our students had the privilege of visiting the Royal British Legion to mark this important day alongside local veterans. It was a heartwarming and humbling experience, showcasing the compassion and respect our students hold for those who have fought for our freedom.

We are incredibly proud of our students for their thoughtfulness and dedication to remembering the brave men and women who have served.

Lest we forget.

Dementia Café - Memories of Christmas, 5th December ••FULLY BOOKED••

10 November 2024

Dementia Café - Memories of Christmas, 5th December ••FULLY BOOKED••


Updated 12/11/24:
Aylesford School’s next Dementia Café on 5th December is now FULLY BOOKED and we are looking forward to welcoming all those attending.

The theme for this special event will be “Memories of Christmas” – a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and share cherished moments of the holiday season. 🎄✨

Community events like this are so important in building connections and supporting one another, especially when it comes to those affected by dementia. They help create a space where memories are honoured and new bonds are formed, all while fostering a sense of belonging.

School Tours for Y6 going into Y7 in September 2025

30 September 2024

School Tours for Y6 going into Y7 in September 2025

Aylesford School tours for year 6 students who will be starting secondary school in September 2025

Due to popular demand the extra tour dates added are now fully booked.

Kind regards

Miss T Kelvie
Aylesford School

If you would like to download our prospectus by clicking here

Future events

Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for future events.

Transition events for Year 6 students

5 September 2024

Transition events for Year 6 students

The Aylesford School transition events for Year 6 students who will be looking for a school for September 2025 are now complete.

The events included:

  • Open evening - Headteachers welcome and school tours
  • Family fun morning
  • After school taster sessions

Future events

Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for future events.

Best of British Dementia Summer Cafe!

4 July 2024

Best of British Dementia Summer Cafe!

Yesterday saw our Best of British Dementia Summer Cafe. We had over 50 people from our local community join us for this special event, it was a tremendous success and all students were a credit to the school with their excellent character, confidence and enthusiasm they showed in performing songs, talking to our guests and serving teas coffees and a light lunch.

Thanks must go to Lidl for their contribution to the food supplies and to Mr Andrew Kennedy for his very kind donation towards funds for the day. Further thanks to our friends the 2 G’s who treated us to a fantastic performance of a selection of songs from the last 60 years. These brought back memories for many of our guests who often remembered the lyrics word for word despite living with dementia. Please see a selection of photos from the day and thanks to Mrs White who put together a mini video of the day too:


Special thanks

It was a pleasure for Aylesford to host such a positive community event and the day would not have happened without the help of staff and students who made the day so successful. Special thanks must go to our staff members Ms Day and Mrs Gryntus, who ensured the hall was set up and tables were decorated so well with themed placemats.  Thanks also to Mr Edwards and Ms Layberry who ensured our catering students gave everybody a fantastic lunch and to Mrs Duff who provided her skill and expertise in leading the floristry club.

A final thank you must go to Mr Neeve for initiating and organising the event.

Next Dementia Cafe

The next Dementia Cafe will be at Christmas- watch this space for further information about this and other events in future.


Aylesford year 8 football team make Maidstone Schools Football Final

24 April 2024

Aylesford year 8 football team make Maidstone Schools Football Final

The Aylesford School year 8 football team have made the Maidstone Schools Football Final!

After a very close game ended in a 0-0 draw the match went to a penalty shoot out and to sudden death!

The winning penalty falling to Liam Innes.

Penalty scorers

  • Frankie Aarons
  • George Davies
  • Alfie Sharp
  • Connor Chapman
  • Liam Leggett
  • Liam Innes

Man of the match

Alfie Sharp

Maidstone Schools Football Final

4pm kick off at Maidstone United on TUESDAY 21st MAY.

Students head to Florida to compete in the Cheerleading World Championships

15 April 2024

Students head to Florida to compete in the Cheerleading World Championships

Ellarose and Crystal in year 7 will be travelling to Florida on the 16th April to compete in the World Championships with their team, Mystify.

This amazing opportunity arose after Team Mystify of MCDA Allstars won a bid to compete in the prestigious competition taking place in Orlando, Florida between April 19-21. Bids are won by attaining the highest scores across UK regional competition.

Go Ellarose, Crystal and Team Mystify!

Anyone who wants to help them on their journey they can contribute to footwear, training sessions and of course hair bows, HERE.

An invitation to Primary students to tour our school

7 March 2024

An invitation to Primary students to tour our school

Aylesford School is inviting Primary students to tour our school.

This invitation is open to:

  • Current Year 6 students who have have accepted a place at the school to start in September 2024
  • Current Year 5 students transitioning in September 2025

Tour dates for March 2024

Tuesday 12th March 2024 Tour 1 9am & Tour 2 10am
Tuesday 19th March 2024 Tour 1 9am & Tour 2 10am
Tuesday 26th March 2024 Tour 1 9am & Tour 2 10am

Limited spaces - Max 10 people per tour

Book your tour

Please contact 01622 717341 or email info@aylesford.kent.sch.uk to book your place.

If you would like to download our prospectus by clicking here

We look forward to meeting you.

Kind regards

Miss T Kelvie
Aylesford School


29 February 2024


Aylesford school presents A MUSICAL EGGSTRAVAGANZA!

On 27th March from 11:30am - 1:30pm

Join us – everyone is welcome!


Aylesford win league and secure final spot

26 February 2024

Aylesford win league and secure final spot

After an impressive league season which has seen us beat St Simon Stock, Cornwallis and MGS. Aylesford had one more hurdle in the way, and this was in the form of the current Maidstone champions Oakwood. For 55 minutes we (Aylesford) were brilliant, with goals from Arthur and Lucas after a beautiful cross from Riley. Ollie led the line well and was a real pain for the Oakwood centre backs which led to the first goal for Aylesford.
A lapse in concentration from Aylesford, let Oakwood back in, this resulted in a nervy finish as the game finished 3-2. Nathan (Aylesford’s) captain has become a real leader and this has helped to drive the Aylesford team forward.

Aylesford 2-1 SSS
Aylesford 5-1 Cornwallis
Aylesford 4-0 MGS


Every single player has been brilliant this season. Congratulations on making the final and well deserved win!

Year 10 rugby unbeaten in Maidstone for another year!

8 February 2024

Year 10 rugby unbeaten in Maidstone for another year!

Last night the year 10 rugby team had their Maidstone District final against Malling at Aylesford Bulls. With a few players missing from the teamsheet this week it was always going to be a close game and as ever the game against Malling did not disappoint. Having played each other in the final for the last 3 years running it is always a great game.

Early effort from Aylesford

As ever the Aylesford team put in the effort early on and went over for the first score of the day after the ball was well worked out to the wing, converted by the ever faithful boot of Charlie Morgan.

Malling replied quickly with a couple of crunching tackles being made on the way for a quick turnover and went over for their first score of the day.

With Aylesford energized they sought to open the gap up and give themselves some breathing space and with some excellent running and control. The ball was worked wide onto the right wing for a second score of the day. Aylesford were hungry for more and went over twice more in quick succession after half time, Malling replied twice with their own scores.

Magic Morgan

Aylesford had the final say with a length of the field try and comfortably converted again by Morgans boot.

The game was played in the way it should have and the result reflects the quality of the game and the teams playing. With a final score 27-17 to Aylesford!

Well done Aylesford!

Please congratulate the team on their success this year, with a great cup run resulting in making the Kent final for the first time and remaining undefeated in Maidstone for another year.

This year’s results are Played = 10 Won = 9 Lost = 1

Join our Online and Community Safety event featuring speakers from the police, ‘we are with you’ and Kent County Council

4 December 2023

Join our Online and Community Safety event featuring speakers from the police, ‘we are with you’ and Kent County Council

On Thursday 7th December between 4-6pm Aylesford School are hosting an Online and Community Safety event featuring speakers from the police, ‘we are with you’ and Kent County Council.

It’s free and there’s no booking required.

Year 10 put on an amazing performance at rugby final but kept from trophy

22 November 2023

Year 10 put on an amazing performance at rugby final but kept from trophy

On 21 November the year 10 rugby team had their Kent rugby final at Gravesend Rugby Club against Tunbridge Wells Grammar.

Amazing performance

The performance that the team last night was amazing, they carried well, tackled well and didn’t let their heads drop throughout the game. A very evenly contested first half, with both teams trading scores and coming in at half time for 17-5 to Tunbridge Wells. With Aylesford making a few changes we looked to put pressure on Tunbridge Wells, however with them bringing on 7 sets of fresh legs in the second half kept us pinned back in our own half for much of the second half. The defence on the try line for a number of minutes was a huge demonstration of the desire the boys had to keep the scoring, however after a few minutes of constant attack they finally went over. With some tiring bodies from Aylesford and the organised pay of Tunbridge Wells they went over a few more times.

Commitment and resilience

With minutes to go Aylesford found there rhythm once more and finished the game with a well worked tried in the corner. Unfortunately we came up against a very strong Tunbridge Wells side, that put us under a lot of pressure early on in the game and kept the pressure on throughout. I cannot fault the teams commitment and resilience to keep going.


The journey this team as been on this year in the cup run has been phenomenal and to get to the final in the first place was a huge achievement and competing against some top grammar schools along the way was no mean feat. Rightly so the boys were disappointed to come away without the trophy but all should be extremely proud of their achievements so far.

Final Score Aylesford 12 – 46 Tunbridge Wells

If you see any of the following please congratulate them on a great performance, thank you to all the parents and staff that were able to come and cheer the team on.

Blake I
Bradley B
Max D
Rhys L
Oscar P
Ollie C
Charlie M
Callum A
Riley D
Riley B
Martin M
Finn S
Frankie F
Ethan W
Joe M
Dimitar T

Rugby success - Aylesford School beat Oakwood Park Grammar 47-12

27 September 2023

Rugby success - Aylesford School beat Oakwood Park Grammar 47-12

Last night the year 10 rugby team had their first Kent Cup match of the year against Oakwood Park Grammar. With 16 players available up against an Oakwood side that brought 22 players we knew it was going to be a competitive fixture.

A good start to the game

We started well with an early score in the first few minutes only to have it returned moments after with Oakwood converting to give them the lead by 2. After that Aylesford settled down, played some good rugby moving the ball well, we got on the score sheet twice more and both well converted by Charlie Morgan off the tee. This gave us a 19 – 7 lead into half time.

Leading at half time

Second half came about quickly with Aylesford looking to build on their first half performance. A long kick off to Oli C gave him plenty of space to run and after a chip over lead to a great chase and resulted in another Aylesford score. Oakwood fought back quickly and after few missed tackles went over for their second score of the game. Now 26-12 Aylesford looked to put the pressure on even more through strong ball carrying from Oli, Charlie, M and Rylie B. This kept Oakwood pinned in their own half for much of the second half, after some lovely phases of play Riley DS showed some great composure to step the last defender and score under the posts.

With Oakwood ringing the changes as the game went on Aylesford looked to put the game to bed and after some huge tackles in the middle of the field lead to a quick turnover and Aylesford going over twice more.

Final score

Final score Aylesford 47-12 Oakwood. A really strong win for the team against a good opponent and we now progress into the next round with opponents yet to be confirmed. Please congratulate the team on a huge effort yesterday. Thank you to all the staff that were able to come out and support the team really did appreciate it.

Winning Team sheet

Jamie M                                                      
Blake I                                                        
Ethan W                                                        
Bradley B                                    
Max D                                
Rhys L                          
Oscar P                              
Ollie C                
Dimitar T                        
Charlie M                  
Callum A                    
Riley S                    
Riley B                
Martin N                                            
Finn S                      
Frankie F

Duke of Edinburgh

12 September 2023

Duke of Edinburgh

Click below to read out latest letter about how to sign up for the Duke of Edinburgh award.

This is open to current Year 9,10 and 6th form.

D of E Letter

Exam results days and Ofqual information

20 July 2023

Exam results days and Ofqual information

Here are the exam results days for your diary.

  • Y11 results on 24 August
  • Y13 results on 17 August

If you’ve got any questions about exam results Ofqual have written an open letter to students receiving results this summer to try and answer questions about how your results are determined and for those looking towards higher education information about confirming offers and Clearing - click HERE.

Sports Awards 2023

20 July 2023

Sports Awards 2023

We had a fantastic evening at our 2023 Sports Awards!

A big well done all to our winners!!!

Recognition Certificates: Cameron May, Connor Kerkham, James Denney,Lucie Collins, Aaron Brewer, Scarlett Ingram,    Niamh Tullett, Erin Reed, Grace Bowmaker, Livvy Sewell, Eduardo Bergin, Emma Foreman, Frankie Davis , Oliver Goodyer, Jessica Howard, Connor Adams,  Bella Gilbert, Clare Eketah, Josie Squires, Myles Greest, Dixy Lee, George Ashcroft

Ks3 Boy Maxwell Diedericks
Ks3 Girl       Daisy Ashcroft
Ks4 Boy       Aaron Brewer
Ks4 Girl       Evie Northwood
KS5 Boy       Sam Grant
KS5 Girl           Ella Webb
Ks4 Academic Student Courtney-May Hartnup
Ks5 Academic Student                 Isaac Eacott
Leader of the year                 Brooke Ryan
Most Attendance to Clubs           Connor Kerkham
Most Progress                       Grace Bowmaker
Best Newcomer                       George Davis
Club of the Year                 Athletics

Record Breakers: Connor Chapman 1500m – 5min24, Kayan Seyton Javelin – 18m59, Jayden Cogger Shot Putt – 11m , Oliver Crudgington 800m – 2min23, Charlie Morgan Shot Putt – 12m30, Lola King 300m -55.1sec,  Daisy Ashcroft 1500m – 6min34, Grace Bowmaker Shot Putt - 6.9m, Clare Ekatah Shot Putt – 7.2m, Ben Czajkowski Shot Putt – 9.1m

Team of the Year Boys Ks3 Year 9 Rugby
Team of the Year Girls Ks3 Year 7 Football
Team of the Year Boys Ks4 Year 11 Football
Team of the Year Girls KS4 Year 11 Netball
Team Performance of the Year Year 8 Football
Individual Performance of the Year Connor Chapman
Gifted and Talented Pupil of the year Finley Woodham
Outstanding Contribution to PE Summer Arnold

Special Recognition Award Violet Kneller
Governors Award       Will Sims

Looking for your next great read?

22 May 2023

Looking for your next great read?

Discover the titles that people can’t stop talking about in this list of #BookTok favourites.

As seen on TikTok Click here for great reads



Join our Governing Board and help make a difference

27 April 2023

Join our Governing Board and help make a difference

Governors help build courage, confidence and character

Do you have the drive and enthusiasm to help deliver Aylesford School’s vision to build courage, confidence and character in an inclusive and supportive environment?

Could you commit to a key role in supporting a passionate and caring group of professionals guiding young people towards independence as they develop strong character strengths, reach their academic potential and discover where they excel?

Do you have the confidence to play a role in the school’s journey to Outstanding?


Are you interested in joining our Governing Board?

If you’re interested, please email the Chair of Governors, Linda Blumsum Linda.Blumsum@aylesford.kent.sch.uk or the Clerk to the Governors, Lesley Hardwick Lesley.hardwick@aylesford.kent.sch.uk for more information, or leave a message with the school office and one of us will contact you.

Teacher Training Recruitment and Information event

21 April 2023

Teacher Training Recruitment and Information event

Come along to Aylesford School to meet the Team from Teach in Kent who can talk you through how to apply for Teacher Training.


Date and time

Wed, 3 May 2023 19:00 - 20:30


Aylesford School Teapot Lane Aylesford ME20 7JU

Book now

Visit www.teachinkent.co.uk to book your ticket.

Finley selected for England Men’s YDP Goalkeeping Development Camp

17 April 2023

Finley selected for England Men’s YDP Goalkeeping Development Camp

Finley is currently part of the under 15 Charlton Squad and trains and plays with them through the hybrid programme run at the club which aligns his ability to play whilst maintaining his education. He has also had the opportunity to train with the 1st team squad as. Finley has been given a scholarship 2 years early as a goalkeeper. We are already extremely proud of the character he displays to maintain the workload of training, playing and his education.


As a reward for the effort and hard work he has put in, Finley has been selected to attend England Men’s YDP Goalkeeping Development Camp at St George’s Park at the end of April. This is a huge opportunity for Finley to further his development and progress in football.

Well done Finley we are extremely proud of you!


Year 8 are through to Maidstone district football final

29 March 2023

Year 8 are through to Maidstone district football final

Our year 8 football team are through to the Maidstone District final after beating SST 3-2 yesterday afternoon.

The team showed great character throughout the game especially after coming from 1-0 down inside the first 5 minutes. Some fantastic individual performances and three superb goals from Mason Hudson, Alfie McGuire and Freddie Attwater secured our place in the final.

A twin achievement on the football pitch

14 March 2023

A twin achievement on the football pitch

Football achievements from twins, Evie & Luke

Evie N from year 10 was selected for a National Talent Camp at Warwick University this weekend, as the England Talent Pathway team have been watching her over the last year and they have been impressed with her performances. Evie had a game against Wales at St George’s Park on Monday.

Evie had a great time this weekend and it is such an achievement to have been picked to train and play with England U15’s. She did amazingly well with some of the best talent across the country.

Luke N got back from Abu Dhabi yesterday, he went as part of the u15 Charlton team. They had a really good tournament and they made the final against Valencia. 

They played really well but sadly lost 1-0. Luke still had a great time and a great experience meeting lots of new people and enjoying new experiences. Whilst he was away Luke even did his school work!

Well done Evie & Luke!

Prom 2023 - 22nd June

10 March 2023

Prom 2023 - 22nd June

As a reward for the hard work shown across the last two years of GCSE study we are delighted to be organizing the year 11 Prom as a final send off for our year 11 cohort.

Prom 2023 - Celebrate your time at Aylesford School

The year 11 prom will be held at the Village Hotel in Maidstone.

The evening will include a DJ, dancefloor, food, refreshments and some other surprises for the year group. We hope that students will be able to attend and celebrate their school journey and their successes they have had over their time at Aylesford School. 


Date: 22 June 2023
Arrival Time: 7pm
Finish & Carriages: 11pm


Venue: Village Hotel, Maidstone, Forstal Road, ME14 3AQ

Get dressed up

Dress Code: Formal evening wear

Ticket to the Prom

The cost of the evening will be £35 a ticket and the deadline for payment for the event will be 1st May 2023 via ParentPay. 

A ‘Ticket to the Prom’ has been introduced to year 11 this week as a way to support with uniform, expectations and behaviour. Students are expected to get this signed by their core and option subject teachers at the end of the week and this will be signed if staff feel that students have upheld the above. 


If students fall below the expected expectations set out then their place at the prom may be taken away as a result of not meeting the schools expectations. This is of course something we would not wish to do and hope that all of year 11 are able to celebrate together. 

If you have any further questions please contact Mr Matthews, Mr Axford or Mr Cooper to discuss this further.

Year 9 rugby team remain unbeaten in Maidstone

27 January 2023

Year 9 rugby team remain unbeaten in Maidstone

The year 9 rugby team had their final last night at Aylesford Bulls against Malling.

Unbeaten in Maidstone

After a dominant performance in the first tournament last term the boys were looking to remain unbeaten in Maidstone. With a few early scares and a few stern words from captain Charlie Morgan the boys rallied around and put in a good team performance coming out overall winners 44-10.

Man of the match

Man of the match for the game went to Charlie Morgan for his leadership on the pitch as well as his all round performance on the night.

Term 1 Sporting Success

21 October 2022

Term 1 Sporting Success

Term 1 has been highly successful for our sports teams - we have had victories and strong performances across a range of sports! So many of our students have taken part in extra curricular opportunities and been part of our teams!

We are so proud of all of our students who represent the school! All of them are always great ambassadors for the school, demonstrating the schools character strengths all whilst enjoying themselves and having a good time!!!

There is more to come next term!  We have rugby fixtures running at the Aylesford Bulls pitch every Thursday, as well year 11 netball fixtures, boys football quarter-finals and Kent Cup 2nd rounds. In addition to that we have more 6th form football league fixtures in which they are two wins away from being champions!. We’re also excited that the the girls football teams will get into action next during Term 2!

Click the link below to go through to our newsletter to read more about some of our student successes!

PE Newsletter October 2022

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

9 September 2022

Remembering Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

All at Aylesford School are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family at the sad time.

The Queen was an extraordinary role model for people around the world and for everyone at Aylesford School.

Today we had an assembly with all students this morning and held a two minute silence as a mark of respect.

Miss Kelvie talked to Heart Radio this morning about her memories of the Queen visiting Aylesford School in 2019:

The Queen visits Aylesford School

We were very fortunate to have had the Queen visit Aylesford School in November 2019 - just a few months before Covid hit. She landed on our school field by helicopter before visiting the Royal British Legion Village which the school has links with.


She spoke to our students who had been reading with the residents of The Royal British Legion.

One of our students voiced the sentiments of many on that day saying ‘it was the best day of his life!’

Our Queen was a role model and a true inspiration - the epitome of good character - and as a school community we are assembling this morning to think of her and her family

TheQueen_AylesfordSchool_3.png royal_visit.png

Miss Kelvie talks to Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden on Heart Radio about starting back at school

6 September 2022

Miss Kelvie talks to Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden on Heart Radio about starting back at school

Go smash it!

Miss Kelvie shares her excitement to be back in school with Jamie Theakston and Amanda Holden live on Heart Radio. They all agree that it’s important to present yourself well and put on a big smile!

Good luck everyone.

Listen to Jamie, Amanda and of course Miss Kelvie here:

Y2 Crew - Summer activity programme

30 June 2022

Y2 Crew - Summer activity programme

There are some great local community activities for young people this summer click below to find out more

Y2 Brochure

Y2 Referral Form

Sport Relief 2022

11 March 2022

Sport Relief 2022

Aylesford School will be holding a number of events w/b 11/3/22 to raise money for Sport Relief

Click the links below to find further information

Parent Information - Sport Relief 2022

Sport Relief Poster

Year 11 Student opens own Business!

20 January 2022

Year 11 Student opens own Business!

I am year 11 student from Aylesford school and I have opened my own small business on Etsy.

It was within the summer of 2021 when it all started, we were all in quarantine and learning from home- I know right, how fun was that? ? I was in my normal GCSE Business lesson on Zoom, our teacher explained to us that we have to start thinking about our own business and what sort of things we would want to sell, we had the amazing task of writing a 2500-word Assignment on the whole thing- fun! I went through many business ideas but nothing really interested me, I wanted to do something that was very creative and different, so therefore I kept looking into different potential ideas that I could write about in my assignment- little did I know that in the next 6months it would be an actual business that I would be running.

3 weeks later, I picked my business idea, I wrote my assignment! - and also was in the process to trade mark my new business, buy a domain to my new business and package my first order for my new business.

My Customize was born!

My Etsy shop (MyCustomizeUK )is still very small and still growing, but much effort and motivation was put into it in order for it to be launched and recognized, much hard work and reliance must be show into something in order for it to be successful so that’s what must be proceeded with.
I thank Mrs. Kelvie for being a very supportive headteacher and allowing me to have this opportunity to showcase my business and also to Mrs. McDowell (My business teacher) for giving me that very long assignment back in year 10 – otherwise I would not have been here.

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/MyCustomizeUK

Fearless - Parental Engagement Event

17 November 2021

Fearless - Parental Engagement Event

Aylesford School have been working with our colleagues at The Holmesdale school to host an evening for the local community and parents to help keep our students safe in the local and wider community.

The evening takes place on Thursday 25th November and there are number of speakers and representatives from organisations who will be talking about the issues that young people are facing today and how we can all work together to keep children safe.

Spaces are limited and will need to be pre-booked. All information can be found in the letter below

Fearless Parent Engagement Evening - Thursday 25th November

myON - Digital reading for Year 7 and 8

12 November 2021

myON - Digital reading for Year 7 and 8

myON - Online reading platform you can use from home


myON is also available as an App on Apple and Android products

All students have been trained and have been using myON at school during term 1 to develop good reading habits and to ensure that reading happens regularly. We are asking students to extend the use of myON beyond the LRC lessons to begin using this at home to supplement what happens in school.

Students should log onto myON as they would at school - using the Username and Password that they use for their LRC lessons in school. (firstnamessurname and the password is password) for example

USERNAME: johnsmith
PASSWORD: password

This will be set for homework during term 2 for Year 7 and 8 - details of which can be found on Microsoft Teams.

If you need any assistance please contact the LRC manager - Miss Cadd emma.cadd@aylesford.kent.sch.uk or LRC lesson teacher - Mr D Wright dave.wright@aylesford.kent.sch.uk and we will be happy to assist

Many Thanks

Mr Wright and Miss Cadd

Return to School - Term 2

5 November 2021

Return to School - Term 2

Message from Miss Kelvie - Head Teacher

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    COVID 19 and Term 2

    I really hope you are enjoying your half term and your children have managed to rest and recharge.

    As infection rates continue to fluctuate nationally and across the county, I am emailing to set out clear expectations designed to continue to keep our school community safe.

    We are all committed to the priority for Aylesford school to continue safely delivering face to face high quality education to all pupils.  I believe that the following measures will mean that we will be able to do this throughout term 2.

    Expectations for our school community regarding Covid 19 are as follows:

    Regular Testing using lateral flow tests

      All staff and students must test twice a week (Wednesday’s and Saturday’s). All results must be recorded on the NHS website. If any student tests positive on a lateral flow test you must notify Miss Kelvie immediately by phone or email tanya.kelvie@aylesford.kent.sch.uk. Students who test positive on a lateral flow test must also book a PCR test. Only the person who has tested positive must isolate.

      Face Coverings

        All staff and students will be expected to wear face coverings in communal areas.
        Staff will model this behaviour around the school and encourage students to do the same. It is personal choice whether students wear face coverings during lessons.

        Handwashing and Sanitising

          All staff and students must hand wash or sanitise at least once every hour.

          All desks and surfaces to be wiped over with antibacterial wipes at the end of every lesson

          Rooms must be well ventilated
          Windows and doors will be open where possible.

          One Way System

            All students are to follow the one way system for entrance and exits to buildings. We will continue to use the fire exits in all buildings as the exits.
            Meetings with parents and other stakeholders will take place on line as far as possible.
            Events that have a direct impact on students learning will still take place (school trips and visiting speakers) but preferably events/meetings to take place online. All meetings will be by appointment only - key staff emails are on our website.

            We are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back on Monday. Please ensure that you have explained the above expectations to your child and that they come to school on time, in full school uniform, ready to learn and hopefully smiling.

            Thank you for your continued support.

            Miss Kelvie

            Clerk to Governors Wins National Award

            10 September 2021

            Clerk to Governors Wins National Award

            We are delighted to say that Lesley Hardwick - the Aylesford Clerk to the Governing body was recognised as ‘Highly Commended’ at the recent Outstanding Governance Awards ceremony, hosted by the National Governors Asssociation

            Lesley is recognised for outstanding practice and considerable expertise, in clerking both the maintained and academy sectors, as well as the positive impact she has had on those she mentors and supports. Her experience of conflict management, balancing relationships and personalities and her calming and professional demeanour all allow her to provide first-class support services. Her designed reports, templates and monitoring schedules – allowing governors to effectively triangulate information they are given – have been hugely successful and used as examples of outstanding practice across the county.

            Judges were impressed by her dedication in supporting and mentoring governors, trustees and clerks in and outside of meetings. One example stood out. Taking the initiative to lead on a board self-evaluation, Lesley guided them in its completion, following up with skills analysis and training recommendations, all while mentoring the new chair to become more confident in leading the process the following year.

            To find out more about the Awards and read about other winners please click here.

            Celebrating GCSE success and achievements

            12 August 2021

            Celebrating GCSE success and achievements

            Aylesford School is delighted to be celebrating with students and to be able to report some outstanding achievements by our students in their GCSE and equivalent qualifications this summer. We are pleased that the grades for all subjects and students reflect, both the progress the school has made following a good Ofsted inspection in March 2020 and the hard work that students have put in.

            This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.

            Miss Kelvie, Headteacher:
            “We are immensely proud of all the work and achievements of our students and the good character they have shown, especially after such a difficult and disrupted year. The students receiving results today are special to me as they are the first year group that I have taken all the way from Year 7 to Year 11 at Aylesford School as headteacher. It is not good bye as many are staying in our 6th form.  Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto our 6th form, further education and study, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”

            Congratulations to Year 13 on their results!

            10 August 2021

            Congratulations to Year 13 on their results!

            Aylesford School is delighted to be celebrating and reporting some outstanding achievements by its students in their A levels and other qualifications this summer.

            This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.

            Proud of our school results

            We are pleased that the grades for all subjects and students reflect, both the progress the school has made following a good Ofsted inspection in March and the hard work that students have put in. We are proud that our overall school results have shown year on year improvement in the past 4 years since Miss Kelvie has been in post.

            100% of our students have secured first choice destination places

            It is a great achievement that 100% of our students have secured places at their first choice destinations with an increased number of students going on to apprenticeships and securing places at university.

            Aylesford School Headteacher – Tanya Kelvie
            “We are immensely proud of all the work and achievements of our students and the great character they have shown, especially after such a difficult and disrupted year. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to ensure students are all able to progress onto further education and study, and we look forward to seeing what they will achieve in the future.”

            Declan achieved a Distinction Star in Science and Sport and an A grade in Criminology. He intends to study Law at University.

            Joshua achieved a Distinction Star in Science, grade 7’s in Psychology and History and an A* is Criminology. Joshua is going on to the University of Greenwich to study Biomedical science

            Lucy is going to the University of Kent to study History and Politics and Rebecca is going to SOAS University to study Chinese

            Lewis Smith is pursuing a career in agriculture; Kolby Horn is embarking on full time employment; Megan Lowry has aspirations of being an estate agent, Flynn Peto has secured a position as a supervisor at a catering firm and Calister Manning is going to Canterbury Christchurch University to study Criminology with Forensic Investigation.

            Ally secured good grades in Health and Social Care, Psychology, Criminology and History to study Anti Terrorism and International Criminology at University.

            Character Newsletter 2021

            23 July 2021

            Character Newsletter 2021

            As we know the last 15 months have been an extremely challenging time for young people. Throughout the pandemic Aylesford have taken time to look after our pupils Mental Health and Character Development, providing all pupils with opportunities and activities to help them grow and develop as individuals, keeping character as the foundation.

            Our latest Character Newsletter showcases what we’ve been up to at Aylesford in 2021.

            Click HERE to read it now.

            Chatham Maritime Watersports Centre year 8 trip

            16 July 2021

            Chatham Maritime Watersports Centre year 8 trip

            Mrs Hawkes and Mr Blair had the pleasure of taking 8 year 8 students to the Chatham Maritime Watersports Centre.

            Each student showed great character and respect to each other and the staff at the Watersports Centre.

            They had great fun on the paddle boards and demonstrated great skills and a good bit of competition between them all, showing each other different moves and balance’s on the boards.

            The boys loved the sailing even though they capsized a few times! This was a great fun day out and well deserved by each student and a they were a pleasure to take.

            Duke of Edinburgh 2021

            14 July 2021

             Duke of Edinburgh 2021

            Over the weekend our year 11 Duke of Edinburgh students were able to complete their practice expedition.

            Students used their map reading skills to walk a route they had previously planned. After finishing their day’s walk on Friday students pitched their tents and cooked their own dinner.

            We are extremely proud of the character they showed over the weekend and their excitement at getting back into the wilderness.

            Year 11 students virtual work experience with Salesforce

            12 July 2021

            Year 11 students virtual work experience with Salesforce

            9 of our Year 11 students recently took part in a week long virtual work experience with Salesforce.

            They were taught cutting edge business principles by Salesforce employees from all over the world and were helped throughout the week to create presentations.

            The student’s presentations were about how Salesforce employees can contribute towards sustainability in the environment and at the end of the week they presented live to a number of Salesforce employees. They did a superb job throughout the entire week and we’re extremely proud of them.

            They showed excellent self-discipline and curiosity to get as much from this opportunity as they possibly could. A huge well done to the students involved!

            Head Teacher wins Award

            23 June 2021

            Head Teacher wins Award

            Earlier in the year you may remember we were encouraging staff, students and parents to thank a teacher by nominating them for an award.

            We are delighted to announce that Miss Kelvie was a finalist in the ‘2021 Lockdown Hero Award for Learner and Community Support’ category and was presented with her certificate this morning by Mr D Cuff, the Chair of the schools governing body.

            A big well done to Miss Kelvie!

            Year 7 Parents Evening

            10 June 2021

            Year 7 Parents Evening

            Looking forward to meeting with Year 7 parents this evening

            Please see a link to staff zoom codes Year 7 Teachers

            Aylesford School Ofsted ‘Good’ in every single area - April 2020

            1 June 2021

            Aylesford School Ofsted ‘Good’ in every single area - April 2020

            Aylesford School has been ruled “Good” by Ofsted in every single area after a two day inspection on the 3rd and 4th of March 2020. We are delighted to share the inspectors report with you.

            It gives me great pleasure to be able to share our Ofsted Inspection Report which confirms that Aylesford School is a ‘Good’ school in all categories.

            When I started at Aylesford School in January 2017 as Interim Headteacher the Local Authority had already carried out a review that said that the school was inadequate in all areas. Then in November 2017 Ofsted declared Aylesford a school that required improvement but with Good Leadership, Management and 6th Form. But I could see the potential Aylesford had, and in Partnership with Wrotham School, worked hard to set the school on its journey to becoming outstanding

            Since then we have worked tirelessly to improve all areas of the school and have used our drive to develop Character Education and improvement results academic qualifications to enable us to provide better opportunities and quality of education.

            We are now the school of choice in the local area and are oversubscribed. We were one of the first schools, nationally to have achieved the Kitemark for Character Education and our exam results are improving significantly year on year with the majority of subjects, including English and Maths, in line with National expectations. Our Ofsted report confirms all the good work and is a tribute to all concerned with Aylesford School.

            Thank you to all stakeholders-staff, students, parents, governors and members of our wider school community for your hard work and contributions.

            We are now going to strive to be outstanding.
            Tanya Kelvie

            Aylesford School Ofsted report download

            Aylesford School Ofsted April 2020

            External Links

            Visit the Ofsted website HERE.
            The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues reports on Aylesford School’s Good Ofsted HERE.
            Kent Messenger published a story HERE.

            Year 8 Parents Evening - 19/5/21

            19 May 2021

            Year 8 Parents Evening - 19/5/21

            We are looking forward to meeting with Year 8 and their parents this Thursday (19/05/21)

            Click below to access your teacher zoom codes
            Year 8 Teacher Links

            Year 9 Parents Evening

            5 May 2021

            Year 9 Parents Evening

            We are looking forward to meeting with Year 9 and their parents this Thursday (05/05/21)

            Click below to access your teacher zoom codes

            Year 9 - Teacher Zoom Links

            Year 10 Parents Evening

            19 April 2021

            Year 10 Parents Evening

            We are looking forward to meeting with Year 10 and their parents this Thursday (22/4/21) - Letter Below

            Year 10 Parents Evening

            Here is the links to access your teachers zoom meetings

            Teacher Zoom Links

            English Department News

            22 February 2021

            English Department News

            Click here to find the latest news from the English department and how the school and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time

            English Department News - February 2021

            English Department News - April 2020

            English Department News - March 2020

            We also have a recommended reading list for KS3 and KS4 - if your son/daughter are not big readers there is no time like the present to pick up a book!

            KS3 Reading List

            KS4 Reading List

            Stay Healthy Stay Engaged and Stay In Touch

            26 January 2021

            Stay Healthy Stay Engaged and Stay In Touch

            Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is more important than ever!

              Please see below a letter from Miss Kelvie regarding some changes that we are making, including introducing a Character and Wellbeing day each week as part of our school curriculum

              To view our letter click Here

              To view our ‘menu’ of Character and Wellbeing activities (including some new suggestions for Term 4) click Here

              To view our Stay Healthy, Stag Engaged, Stay in touch poster click Here

              PE Department - Strava Challenge!

              12 January 2021

              PE Department - Strava Challenge!

              Calling all Students

              In addition to your PE lessons the PE team have set up Strava links for each year group to add some extra competition and improve your wellbeing whilst you are at home. This could include walking, running or cycling

              Here’s how to get started. Once you have clicked on the link for your year group, please sign up with a relevant email address and follow the instructions for the set up of your account.







              Once you have signed up you will get an email for you to verify your account. Click on this and sign into your account. We want pupils to remember to stay safe when online so to reduce the number of people that can see your private information please do the following.

              1.    Hover the mouse over the picture icon in the top right hand corner

              2.    Click on settings

              3.    Click on privacy controls

              4.    Set your profile so that only your followers or you can see your profile and personal information

              5.    Scroll down to privacy zones.

              6.    Enter your postcode and then click the drop down box and click 1000m. this will then set an exclusion zone around your address so others can’t see where you live.

              7.    Once you have set these up you are good to go and start uploading your runs and times.

              8.    Your teachers will be uploading runs as well…… can you beat them?

              Happy Exercising…..........

              The PE team.


              Online Library and Reading Lists

              11 January 2021

              Online Library and Reading Lists

              As we are spending so much time at home some of you may be reading more and would like access to more books.

              Did you know you can join the public library online and get access to all of their books electronically?

              This is very easy to do and many of the books are also available as an audiobook - click below to find out more

              Online Library

              Perhaps you may find something to read from our recommended reading lists below

              KS3 Reading List

              KS$ Reading List

              Volunteers Needed - Can you help with student Covid Testing

              3 January 2021

              Volunteers Needed - Can you help with student Covid Testing

              In order for students to return safely we will need to have mass testing in place. The government want us to test students twice (3 days apart) before they return. (Details to follow). We need at least 11 volunteers!

              Due to the large number of people required to undertake training and delivery of mass testing in schools we are asking for volunteers from our school community and will be asking anyone who is willing and able to help us do this to contact us in the first week back to discuss further. It is already clear that we will not be able to do this without this support as teaching staff will be teaching fully from day one, we simply won’t have capacity without voluntary help. If you are able to help with this or know anyone who can please email me: Tanya.kelvie@aylesford.kent.sch.uk

              Thank you to those of you who have volunteered so far – I will be in contact with you soon.

              Click the link below to find out more


              Character Recognition

              5 August 2020

              Character Recognition

              As some of you may know, Aylesford School works extremely closely with the University of Birmingham’s Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. We have a strong professional relationship with the Centre who are at the global forefront of Character Education, this allows us to learn from the very best minds across the country and helps us ensure we can deliver a high quality provision back in school.

              The other great thing about working with the Jubilee Centre is the opportunity to share what we do with other schools and other professionals. Just before the summer break Mr Wright got to present at a Webinar about the exciting journey the school has been on so far, taking questions from other school leaders both nationally and internationally. This was a fantastic opportunity not only to share, but to raise the profile of the school in a wider context.

              We’re also delighted to post a link below to a document released recently by the Jubilee Centre - Windows into Schools. This documents aims to showcase the very best of Character Education in schools and Aylesford School is extremely proud to be included and recognised in this publication.

              Click here to read Windows into schools

              End of Year Newsletter

              17 July 2020

              End of Year Newsletter

              Please see a copy of our end of Year newsletter

              We hope you all have a great summer and look forward to seeing you in September.

              Newsletter - July 2020

              Best Wishes

              Aylesford School

              D of E Recognition

              30 June 2020

              D of E Recognition

              We’ve been delighted to receive this certificate of recognition from the regional Duke of Edinburgh direction praising our students for giving 273 hours of service to our local community! Well done to all our D of E students who contributed towards this!

              Year 8 Curriculum News

              5 June 2020

              Year 8 Curriculum News

              Dear Parents/Carers of Year 8 Students

              Please see below a letter that wasemailed out to you regarding the curriculum for the next academic year as pupils go into year 9. If you have any questions please contact Mr Cooper on paul.cooper@aylesford.kent.sch.uk.

              It is important that all parents and students read this letter and complete the attached form via the link on the letter.

              Many thanks for your continued support.

              Mr Cooper – Progress Leader Year 8

              Year 8 Curriculum letter

              Corona Virus - Advice for Parents and Carers

              22 May 2020

              Corona Virus - Advice for Parents and Carers

              Dear Parents/Carers

              Kent County Council have realised an excellent support document for parents and carers.

              It includes a wealth of information and advice around supporting your childrens well being during this difficult time.

              We would encourage all our parents and carers to take a look! Click below to find out more

              Advice for Parents and Carers

              Term 5 - Year Group Newsletters

              17 May 2020

              Term 5 - Year Group Newsletters

              Our Term 5 News letters can be found below

              Year 7 - Year 7

              Year 8 - Year 8

              Year 9 - Year 9

              Year 10 - Year 10

              Art - Department News

              13 May 2020

              Art - Department News

              Click here to find the latest news from the Art department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

              Art Department News - May 2020

              Year 11 Announcement

              12 May 2020

              Year 11 Announcement

              All Year 11 Students are guaranteed a place in our 6th Form for next academic year!

              We hope you are all staying safe and well.

              We are excited to announce our finalised curriculum offer for all Year 12’s starting in September 2020. Today you should receive an email about this and you may well notice some exciting additions to the curriculum offer -A Level English, A Level Drama and A Level Art.

              We know that most of you have already provisionally chosen your subjects/destinations, but in light of the current situation we also know that many of you have had time to think about your future plans and may have had a change of heart. Now is the time to make these changes and to start thinking about your future. Attached you will find a document which gives lots of information about the curriculum offer and also frequently asked Questions- please do get in touch by the email contacts provided if you have any queries about your future after year 11. We will consider all applications and are working with our partnership school ‘Wrotham’, so be sure to check out their range of subjects. Wrotham have a wider suite of ‘A’ level subjects on offer and will also consider offering you a place.

              Whilst you are eagerly awaiting your results and may have finished all your subject work, Your teachers have been working hard to produce resources for you to access to help you to prepare for sixth form. These will be in a folder on ‘Show My Homework’ and are clearly labelled by subject, this will be going live this week- more specific information to follow on this in the next few days.

              Whatever your destination after year 11, we wish you luck and best wishes in your future endeavours, but we hope to see many of you back to join our ‘good’, exciting and successful sixth form.”

              Kind Regards

              Miss Kelvie (Head Teacher) and Mrs Dighton (Head of 6th Form)

              RE - Department News

              11 May 2020

              RE - Department News

              Click here to find the latest news from the RE department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

              RE Department News - May 2020

              VE Day Celebrations

              6 May 2020

              VE Day Celebrations

              It is the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II!!

                VE Day (Victory England) is on the 8th May 2020.

                To commemorate this, the History department have provided a number of activities for you to complete, if you want to mark this celebration.

                If you complete any of the tasks, please send us picture to share your creations/work to Mrs McGuckin:

                lucy.mcguckin@aylesford.kent.sch.uk or via SMHW

                These will be used as part of a gallery of pictures on our Facebook page as part of the celebrations and on a display in school, once lockdown is over. It would be great if you could take part!

                Click below to access some of these great resources

                Bunting Template

                VE Day Activities

                MFL Department News

                6 May 2020

                MFL Department News

                Click here to find the latest news from the MFL department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                MFL - Department News May 2020

                PE Department News

                5 May 2020

                PE Department News

                Calling all students - we would love you to take part in some of our PE/Sport personal challenges before the end of term!

                Please send any video submissions or your score to Mr Groom - alex.groom@aylesford.kent.sch.uk

                Click here to read more - PE- Personal Challenges


                Click here to find the latest news from the PE department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                PE Department News - May 2020

                PE Department News - June 2020

                Drama Department News

                4 May 2020

                Drama Department News

                Click here to find the latest news from the Drama department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                Drama Department News - May 2020

                Science Department News

                2 April 2020

                Science Department News

                Please click below to for more information about KS4 Science, including Exam Information and Dates, Revision Tips and links to external resources.

                Year 10 and 11 Science Information

                Click here to find the latest news from the Science department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                Science Department News - February 2021

                Science Department News - May 2020

                Science Department News - April 2020


                Geography Department News

                2 April 2020

                Geography Department News

                Click here to find the latest news from the Geography department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                Geography Department News - April 2020

                History Department News

                31 March 2020

                History Department News

                Click here to find the latest news from the History department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                History Department News - March 2020

                Maths Department News

                27 March 2020

                Maths Department News

                Click here to find the latest news from the Maths department and how the School and parents can continue to work together to support your child’s learning during this challenging time.

                Maths Department News - May 2020

                Maths Department News - April 2020

                Maths Department News - March 2020

                Year 7 RE Trip -Canterbury Cathedral

                6 March 2020

                Year 7 RE Trip -Canterbury Cathedral

                On the 4th of March, Mrs Baker  accompanied by three amazing members of staff, took 51 year 7 students to Canterbury Cathedral. The trip was a joint History and RE trip looking at the significance of the Cathedral for historians and pilgrims alike. We had a fully guided tour, with some students even going up the pilgrims steps on their knees! 

                The staff at the Cathedral and the staff on the trip were impressed with the politeness, curiosity and resilience of all students; it was quite cold even with our coats on! The Cathedral staff even took time to write the us at the school after the visit!

                “We had the pleasure of your year 7 pupils visiting is this week. I do hope that they enjoyed their visit as much as all the guides who took them on their tours certainly did,  they told us how good they were, very polite and attentive, with great questioning.  They all said how much they enjoyed interacting with them”

                Thank you to everyone who assisted with this trip!

                Mrs Baker

                English Department - An Inspector Calls Revision

                6 March 2020

                English Department - An Inspector Calls Revision

                For parents, carers and students in years 10 and 11:

                All students will be asked to write an essay on An Inspector Calls for GCSE literature.

                In order to do this they need to know the following:
                The plot and characters
                Context about society and Priestley
                Key quotations
                Methods used by the writer
                Terminology - such as adjective, metaphor, dramatic irony

                There is a lot to learn - and this is only one of 3 books and 15 poems they need to study

                In order to get started there is a revision booklet and exam questions below that students can download and use to revise.

                An Inspector Calls - Revision.docx

                An Inspector Calls - Exam Questions.pdf

                We hope this helps their independent study. We also encourage students to use Seneca, BBC bitesize and sparknotes websites to help their revision or speak to their teacher for more resources and exam questions

                Aylesford Dance Show - 1st April 2020

                25 February 2020

                Aylesford Dance Show - 1st April 2020

                The dance showcase tickets are now on sale at reception. £5 a ticket under 12s are free.

                Wednesday the 1st of April . 6:30-8pm Doors open at 6pm.

                We look forward to seeing you there to help support and encourage your child.

                Any questions please email miss Jarvis at kelly.jarvis@aylesford.kent.sch.uk she will be happy to help

                Art Work displayed at Maidstone Museum!

                25 February 2020

                Art Work displayed at Maidstone Museum!

                Congratulations to all 59 students who have had their “Living with Dementia” art work competition entries displayed in Maidstone Museum. They have shown tremendous character and done fantastically well to achieve this accolade and we are all extremely proud of them. Thanks must go to the Art Department and to Mr Neeve, the A Team and Dementia Friends of Maidstone for organising this.

                It will be on display in Maidstone Museum in the café from 11th February to 16th March. Don’t miss out!

                Find out more here Maidstone Museum Art Display.docx

                Maths Revision - Year 10 and 11

                12 February 2020

                Maths Revision - Year 10 and 11

                Please use this page to access a range of maths revision resources and past papers for GCSE exam preparation.

                Foundation Past Papers

                  Foundation - Paper 1 Non Calculator May 2018

                  Foundation - Paper 2 Calculator May 2018

                  Foundation - Paper 3 Calculator May 2018

                  Higher Past Papers

                    Higher - Paper 1 Non Calculator May 2018

                    Higher - Paper 2 Calculator May 2018

                    Higher - Paper 3 Calculator May 2018

                    Revision Resources and answers/explanations

                      Aiming for Grade 3

                      To be Added soon

                      Aiming for Grade 5

                      To be Added soon

                      Aiming for Grade 7

                      To be Added soon

                      Aiming for Grade 9

                      To be Added soon

                      Key Formula Placemats

